Tag Archives: wild flowers

Spring Wildcrafting

Wow….it’s Thursday already.  Where has this week gone?  We have been busy, busy here on the farm since my last post.  We’ve had beautiful sunny weather with a nice breeze that has made it ideal to get outside.  Finally…LOL.

On Monday we did get all of the potatoes and onions planted.  We have 2 long rows of reds, 2 rows of russets and around 100 white onion sets.  We also started the re-tilling of the rest of the front garden which we completed yesterday (with Becca’s help) and TinMan completed adding the fertilizer and lime to the back garden bed.   The back garden will be ready for re-tilling shortly.  The garden beds not only have great soil, they are full of rocks.  We are accumulating enough to build a low garden rock wall…LOL.  Lots of white quartz and granite stones.

Front Garden bed approx 30ft x 50ft

Becca & TinMan tilling in front bed

Today and tomorrow we are going to work on finally completing the greenhouse so I can move my seedlings and seed starting operation out there…..I am running out of room on the side porch!!!

The yard and fields are full of new spring life.  My dogwood is just beautiful in full bloom.  Have you noticed wild dogwoods peeking from the woods alongside your roads?  I love to see them in the spring along with the Eastern Redbuds in bloom everywhere.   Spring wild flowers are also popping up along with new green growth of what some folks might consider weeds.  However….they are not weeds.  Most of what people call “weeds” in their yards or alongside the road have some sort of herbal/medicinal value and have been used for centuries for this purpose.  Wildcrafting is usually TinMan’s territory but I couldn’t resist taking pics of all of the neat plants I’m seeing in the yard and fields – although, some pics are just for pure pleasure.  Oh…what is wildcrafting?  That is the gathering of herbs and plants from the wild to use for medicinal purposes.

Here are just a few of my pics from the farm:


Dogwood in Side yard

Dogwood blossoms

who knew blueberry blooms were so cool looking?







Thistle, not sure what kind yet

Young Mullein

Yellow Dock

Young Burdock

Red Dead Nettle

Narrow leaf Plantain

Henbit, a member of the Dead Nettle family

Chickweed, close up

Deer trail in the field

Multicolored spring leaves make for a beautiful pic

Deer trails leading to the Pecan trees





































































Okay, I hope you enjoyed the little nature walk around the farm….smile.  These are only a very small portion of the pics I took over the last 2 days, I think it was something like 200 pictures that I took. I am somewhat of a photo nut and I love my new digital camera.  Can ya tell?  I want to apologize for the way the pics end up in the blog.  I may end up changing the theme just so I can get my pics to display right!  LOL, I am so anal about stuff like this that putting pics in my blogs takes longer than writing them…LOL.  Sigh.  Well, I’ve fiddled with this long enough and need to get my arse out of this chair and OUTSIDE!  It’s a gorgeous day and here I still sit…..but I love showing ya’ll the farm and all of the beautiful things nature is providing for us here.  I hope you enjoying seeing them.

Have a great day!!
